
Equitana 2015 in Essen, Germany, is just around the corner! Join more than 10 TSB authors March 14-22 for a spectacular event, combining education and entertainment in an exciting European setting.

TSB authors presenting and exhibiting at this year’s Equitana include:

Uta Graf: See her new DVD FINE RIDING as well as the JOY OF DRESSAGE DVD series.

Linda Tellington-Jones: Check out her stirring and unique call to change DRESSAGE WITH MIND, BODY & SOUL, in addition to her other bestselling books and DVDs from TSB.

Ingrid Klimke: TSB is proud to have the New Edition of the classic book CAVALLETTI as well as Ingrid’s newest DVD SUCCESS WITH CAVALETTI-TRAINING, as well as her many other  training DVDs.

Eckart Meyners: Eckart’s newest book RIDER + HORSE = 1 is available now, as well as his popular fitness book and DVD.

Frederic Pignon: Frederic makes an annual appearance at Equitana, both to perform and teach. The latest book from Frederic and his wife Magali Delgado BUILDING A LIFE TOGETHER–YOU AND YOUR HORSE is a gorgeous tribute to their experiences with horses.

Gerd Heuschmann: His books TUG OF WAR and BALANCING ACT, and his DVD IF HORSES COULD SPEAK have help raised awareness as regards the well-being of dressage horses the world over.

Philippe Karl: Check out his CLASSICAL DRESSAGE DVD series, and other DVDs available from TSB.

Lorenzo: He awes the crowds with his performance during Equitana’s “Hop Top Show,” and you can read his story in LORENZO: THE FLYING FRENCHMAN.

Britta Schoffmann & Klaus Balkenhol: KLAUS BALKENHOL: THE MAN AND HIS TRAINING METHODS is a fascinating read.

Wendy Murdoch: TSB is very pleased to announce that Wendy, author of the incredibly popular 50 5-MINUTE FIXES TO IMPROVE YOUR RIDING, 40 5-MINUTE JUMPING FIXES, and new 5-MINUTE FIXES DVDs has been nominated for the prestigious Equitana Innovation Award for her new Sure Foot Equine Stability Program! Sure Foot is a revolutionary way of improving your horse’s balance, confidence, movement, and performance by allowing the horse to experience his own habitual patterns of movement and providing an opportunity for him to explore and learn new ways of standing on his feet and utilizing the ground for greater ease, comfort and confidence. Wendy will have her Sure Foot products in Hall 7, Booth D 10.

We wish Wendy the best of luck, and hope many of you will have the opportunity to learn from the fantastic horsemen, riders, trainers, and equine experts gathered for the 2015 Equitana event.