About Us

Horse Books by Horse People
Horses are an integral part of the Trafalgar Square Books story. The staff members who work hard to bring TSB horse books to life are horse people—owners, trainers, pleasure riders, and competitors. They’ve driven horses, jumped them, and ridden in Western, hunt seat, dressage, and saddle seat saddles. They’ve owned Morgans, Minis, Mustangs, Thoroughbreds, Hanoverians, Lusitanos, Appaloosas, and Quarter Horses.
They aspire to do what’s best for the horses in their lives, just as they hope to provide high-quality, meaningful books that help better
the equestrian industry as a whole.

Top Authors, Great Teachers
When you buy books from the TSB online bookstore, you buy from the source. You can trust that we believe in what we publish, and we sell what we feel is top-quality equestrian education. We take great pride in our motivated, talented authors from all over the world. These individuals are the movers, shakers, and hard-working professionals—riders, trainers, behaviorists, vets, practitioners, therapists, farriers, and sometimes, just ordinary horse-lovers—who inspire us to include horses as part of our own life and who teach us how to be better friends, caregivers,
and educators when interacting with them.
With help from TSB authors, we can all ride better; teach our horses to perform better; feed them and house them more in accordance to their needs; care for them when they fall ill and help them recover from injury; and above all, treat them in a fair and just manner, as they deserve.

We’re Honored to Serve You…and the Horse
It is our honor at Trafalgar Square Books to serve the horse industry to the best of our ability, and to provide horse lovers the world over with beautiful, highly illustrated, well-written books to supplement their growth and development as horse people. We hope our books help you in
your pursuit of a joyful life with horses.
Who We Are

Founder, Caroline Robbins
Caroline Robbins was involved in the book publishing world in one form or another for over 50 years. After an early career in London and New York City, where she worked for publishers and literary agents, Caroline and her husband, Ted, made their year-round home in Vermont in 1971, where Caroline began a successful British book distribution business and Ted set up his medical practice. Both avid riders, Caroline and Ted met Sally Swift when she taught them on their farm, and so a new idea was born. With her knowledge and experience in publishing, Caroline was the natural choice to help bring Sally’s book Centered Riding to life, and it became the genesis of the horse book program, which was run from offices on their Vermont farm for 40 years. Caroline and Ted own a large nationally recognized, prize-winning herd of Scottish Highland cattle and a Hungarian Vizsla named Zoltan.

Publisher, Martha Cook
Martha Cook began as a publicity assistant with Caroline’s British book distribution business right after graduating from Mount Holyoke College. It was Centered Riding and Martha’s acquaintance with Sally Swift that inspired her to apply for a job at the publishing company. Over time, Martha spent less time with the British books and more time collaborating with Caroline, acquiring and publishing equestrian titles. Now she is Publisher, guiding the distinguished list of equestrian books within The Stable Book Group. Martha started riding at the age of five and got her first horse, a too-green, four-year-old Morgan mare, at age twelve. Throughout high school and college she worked summers at breeding and training farms—riding, driving, training, and assisting with the breeding programs. Today she owns two Morgan geldings and rides as much as time allows.
Contact Martha Cook: mcook@trafalgarbooks.com