Be sure to catch all the TSB authors who are featured clinicians at the 2014 Equine Affaire at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus this weekend! This year’s EA provides another diverse and inspiring group of leading riders, trainers, and equine experts to help us all learn to be better horsemen and women.

FEI and USEF dressage judge, and author of the acclaimed DRESSAGE FOR THE NOT-SO-PERFECT HORSE
Janet’s dressage clinics and demonstrations take place on Thursday, April 10, in the Voinovich Arena and Voinovich Seminar Stage. Check your EA program for final times.
Dressage Today magazine calls Janet’s book “an inoculation against training despair.” And The Chronicle of the Horse says it is “well-organized and easy to understand and makes for a good read.”

Famed horseman and creator of THE AMERICAN HUNTER/JUMPER FORWARD RIDING SYSTEM DVD series and founder of
Bernie’s jumping clinics take place on Saturday, April 12, and Sunday April 13, in the dotHorse Arena and Voinovich Arena. Check your EA program for final times.
Check out the trailer for Bernie’s DVD series by clicking the image below:

Certified master saddler and saddle ergonomist, founder of Saddlefit4Life, and author of the new book SUFFERING IN SILENCE
Jochen’s saddle-fit demonstrations are in the Cosequin Demo Ring and on Thursday and Friday. Confirm in your EA program.
Click below to watch Jochen in action:

Veterinarian and author of GO THE DISTANCE
Dr. Loving’s horse management sessions are on Friday on the Voinovich Seminar Stage. Confirm in your EA program.
“This is a very good book,” The American Quarter Horse Journal says about GO THE DISTANCE. “Loving covers equipment for the horse and rider, stable management, and camp care techniques, and training, both for conditioning and schooling purposes. This book earns a blue ribbon and best condition.”

Masterson Method Certified Practitioner and coauthor of the bestselling BEYOND HORSE MASSAGE with Jim Masterson
Stefanie’s horse wellness presentations take place on Sunday in the Cosequin Demo Ring and Voinovich Seminar Stage. Check your EA program to confirm final times.
Here’s what Natural Horse magazine says about Stefanie and Jim’s book:
“The reader is introduced to a method of unique, interactive bodywork that is done with the horse, not to the horse, and horses love it. . . . A must-have for horse lovers and guardians as well as professional bodyworkers!”

Also be sure to find the Puterbaugh Dressage Sport booth on the trade show floor and say hello to Douglas Puterbaugh, author of THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS OF DRESSAGE.
We at TSB hope EA Ohio is fabulous fun for all who get to attend this weekend!