It is really February here in the Northeast. Snow banks are piled high. Rivers are frozen. Horses are still woolly with thick winter coats, and even long underwear and double socks can’t keep you warm in the saddle.

So, it is almost painful to imagine the perfect weather (around 80 degrees) and soft sunshine that those traveling to Hawaii late next week for Linda Tellington-Jones’ TTouch for You and Your Horse Clinic will be experiencing. The clinic–which is full according to Linda’s clinic registrar–features snorkeling in  tropical waters, swimming with wild dolphins, and trail riding on the 12,000-acre Kahua Ranch. Participants learn to connect with horses with an open heart, so that their horses enjoy the relationship with them as much as they enjoy the relationship with their horses.

Linda says that her special week-long clinics at her home in Hawaii introduce the “meat and potatoes” of her Tellington Method techniques, including learning how your thoughts, expectations, intention, and heart affect your relationship with your horse, as well as your horse’s performance. She says these concepts are much more fun when explored together with friends and like-minded horsemen and women (not to mention, very appealing when offered in a tropical paradise in February!) 

Linda has some really amazing ideas, that are not only soul- and body-changing, they are scientifically proven to have an effect on your ability to learn and train your horse, and on your horse’s health, well-being, and performance. If February in Hawaii (with horses AND dolphins, no less!) appeals to you as much as it does to me, watch Linda’s Web site for 2012 clinic dates (see our Highly Recommended Horse-Related Links).

ALSO, while you’re on Linda’s Web site–check out the live telecast she is hosting on February 19th (even if you can’t make it for the telecast, if you enroll, you can download the program to listen to when you have time). The telecast will explain how both the Tellington TTouch and the Playground for Higher Learning  (TTEAM) activate both hemispheres of the horse’s brain, and how Whole Brain function enhances our ability to deal with the world. Linda will also share how she came to the basic concepts that are part of the TTouch philosophy to “act and not react; cooperate rather than compete” as well as how Linda got the idea that “aggression comes from a place of fear.” The telecast includes time at the end for questions and answers from listeners–a great way to learn from a great teacher, and all from the comfort of your own home!

Linda’s best-selling reference of her complete Tellington Method THE ULTIMATE HORSE BEHAVIOR AND TRAINING BOOK is 15% off this month at the TSB storefront