We arrived in Dallas/Ft. Worth today and had the distinct pleasure of checking out the Ft. Worth Stockyards and checking in to the legendary Stockyards Hotel, which once housed THE Bonnie and Clyde.
The Stockyards Hotel, open since 1907, is beautiful, well furnished, and we enjoyed both a belly-up to the bar astride saddles and a darned good steak at the H3 Ranch restaurant rather later in the evening. In the end, we discovered that not only does the hotel feature very large margaritas and unique taxidermy, but also paranormal activity!
Yes, this hotel is supposedly HAUNTED. Luckily, according to my last-minute online research, “ghosts” have been experienced in the elevator, on the third floor, and in Room 218…the room just down the hall…but not in ours…
After a long day of travel we are off to TRY to sleep! Check in with us tomorrow here, on FB and Twitter, and follow horseandriderbooks on Instagram for more news and a report on any overnight paranormal experiences!