According to my October issue of Boston Magazine, horses are HOT in home design. “Equine imagery appeals to the untamed beast in all of us,” says the monthly mag.

So how can you cash in on the equestrian trend without spending a lotta dough?
You can add just the right touch of “horseyness” to your abode, while keeping your checking account intact, with an equine-themed book or two, prominently positioned on an end table, coffee table, or bookshelf. And here are five affordable options that will help you say different things about your equestrian interests while melding in easily with your current decor:
Have you seen the cover of this book? Who doesn’t want a cute guy in tight pants riding a team of white horses through their living room? (See our earlier post comparing Lorenzo to Brad Pitt HERE.) The pictures inside this book are stunning, and the story of this French stunt rider is biographical in nature, and certain to interest the most casual reader, as well as the studied horseman.
Poems, prose, and “deep thoughts” about the relationship between man (or woman) and horse, beautifully accented by the stunning photography. This book perfectly walks the line between dramatic coffee-table book and philosophical fireside reading.
A kid’s picture book, yes, but charming as all get-out. Full of authentic photographs of the American West, and the boot-stomping explorations of one very serious little cowboy, this book says, “I like children. I like cowboys. I love our country and the great outdoors.” The cover will grab you–or whoever it is passing through your apartment.
Okay, so if you’re 24 this might not be the choice for you. But any older than that, and especially if you’re one of those grown-up-girls who used to be a horse-crazy little girl…but never quite got the horse….this is the self-help, make time, make-it-happen, you-can-do-it guide to one day seeing your horse dreams become reality. Even if it can’t be right now, this book will help you plan for when it can. And, it is a far more intriguing choice for the end table than the usual diet-relationship-money-making bestseller-list fare.
Didn’t you know, everyone’s talking about this book! Denny Emerson lays it all out for you with the character traits he knows make the difference between being a “wannabe” and a “gonnabe.” Yeah, all the examples are horse-specific, and success stories are for the most part those of top riders, but the really cool thing about this book is that Denny’s advice translates seamlessly to the rest of your life. Trust me. I read it. And I reevaluated a whole lotta “stuff” after I did, which led to changes that I believe will bring me success. FYI, I don’t own a horse right now, so we’re talking general application here.
Don’t miss out on the equestrian fad–it’s too fun to be part of it, and horses are too fascinating to not take a closer look, even for a little while.
You can find all of the books mentioned above at the Trafalgar Square Books online bookstore, where shipping in the US is always FREE.