TSB’s “on the road” experience wrapped up today, first with a follow-up to Knoll Farm to watch former Technical Advisor to the US Dressage Team Anne Gribbons school horses and give lessons, and then with a trip out to New Smyrna to visit TSB author Sean Patrick and his wife Alisha on their farm. It was another great day, and in fact, it was the finest day weather-wise that we’ve seen since we’ve been in the South—mid-seventies and clear skies. We were over the moon when we found we could shed our jackets for a few hours and soak up some sun before our flight back to the hinterlands early tomorrow.
We just love Sean Patrick’s bestselling book, as well as his DVD series, both named THE MODERN HORSEMAN’S COUNTDOWN TO BROKE. But in spending time with him, and with Alisha, who is also a horse person, we were further convinced of his ability to create a soft, responsive mount with a great foundation, ready to perform in any number of disciplines. Not only did we get to handle one of the new “babies” on Sean’s property, I also got to have a bit of a jog around the massive covered arena on a horse Sean started and that has only been going under saddle for three weeks. This Quarter Horse, formerly a stud, was such a joy that TSB Managing Director Martha Cook and I found ourselves discussing ways to purchase him and ship him back home to Vermont! We loved his sanity, the beginnings of a soft feel that were already apparent, and his general willingness. With these building blocks in place, there’s no doubt this horse can go on to be whatever his owner dreams he could be.
It has been a super trip, with much seen and much learned. We hope it can go toward strengthening our intention to provide educational books “for the good of the horse.”