USEA hall-of-famer Denny Emerson, author of the hit book HOW GOOD RIDERS GET GOOD, was featured on dressage Olympian Robert Dover’s live-stream and AM radio show “Dover’s World” last night. Robert’s show covers all kinds of topics, both horse-related and non, with a special focus on social issues and causes that he finds of import. You can follow Robert’s discussions and radio shows on Dover’s World by clicking through on the blog link in our recommended blogs on the right.

Listen to Denny and Robert discuss HOW GOOD RIDERS GET GOOD, as well as Denny’s life and how both of these internationally renowned riders and trainers “got good” with horses in the first hour of the May 24th episode of “Dover’s World.” It is amazing to hear how those who have found success in the saddle faced challenges, and surmounted them, and went from riding their “thousand-dollar-horses” to riding some of the best eventing and dressage horses in the world.

Denny and Robert make good listening–don’t miss it! Check out the first hour of last night’s “Dover’s World” HERE.

Denny’s best-selling book HOW GOOD RIDERS GET GOOD is available from the TSB bookstore, where shipping in the US is always FREE.

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