The winter months are ahead and wouldn’t it be FAB if you could train with renowned coach and master of motivation Jane Savoie and Olympian Anne Kursinski, all for less than the cost of a week’s worth of Starbucks lattes?
The good news is YOU CAN!

JANE SAVOIE’S DRESSAGE BETWEEN THE JUMPS and ANNE KURSINSKI’S RIDING & JUMPING CLINIC have just arrived in the TSB warehouse, and these books have oodles of exercises and training tools to sharpen your skills and hone your horse before what we are all hoping will be a busy and exciting 2021 show season.

In DRESSAGE BETWEEN THE JUMPS, make every jump better with targeted exercises on the flat:
- BUILD skills without stressing your horse’s body.
- FIND simple solutions to problems you tend to have on course.
- IMPROVE time, turns, adjustability, and responsiveness.
- TRAIN and condition a tuned-in competitor with greater longevity.

In RIDING & JUMPING CLINIC, find the kind of sophisticated, quality instruction you can only get in top barns around the world:
- EXERCISES to improve your position, your “feel,” and your overall understanding of how to confidently and successfully master a jump course.
- TOP-NOTCH EDUCATION in basic flatwork and jumping, including bending, adjusting stride length, moving laterally, riding straight lines and curves, jumping without stirrups, and flying changes. You’ll also learn advanced flatwork and jumping, with lessons in flexion and collection, counter-canter, half-pass, ways to perfect distances and count strides, and tips for riding different kinds of combinations, bigger jumps, and natural fences.
- DISCUSSION of Hunter Derbies and how to ride derby-style courses.
- HUNDREDS OF COLOR PHOTOS with Kursinski herself demonstrating in the tack.
These books (and hundreds more in print and digital formats!) are available from the TSB online bookstore, where shipping in the US is FREE.
CLICK HERE to see all our newest releases.
Trafalgar Square Books, the leading publisher of equestrian books and videos, is a small business based on a farm in rural Vermont.