In the bestselling WORLD-CLASS GROOMING FOR HORSES, professional grooms Cat Hill and Emma Ford show us dozens of horsemanship tips and top techniques to give our horses at home the same conscientious and correct level of care the world’s best riders and trainers give theirs. It’s the little things that make the difference and set your horsemanship above the rest.
Here are 6 steps to rolling a leather lead shank for a neat look and to keep your horse safe when not in use. (All photos by Jessica Dailey.)
1 Thread the end of the leather through the connection at the base of the chain.
2 Create a circle.
3 Follow the leather to the end and roll the lead rope tight, making sure you are rolling toward the inside of the circle you created.
4 Keep rolling; make sure it is quite tight.
5 When you get to the circle, tuck the roll inside it. It should be a little tough to push in.
6 Snap the chain to the opposite side of the roll. Nice and neat!

For more professional grooming tips and how-tos, check out WORLD-CLASS GROOMING FOR HORSES by Cat Hill and Emma Ford, with over 1200 color photos by Jessica Dailey, available from the TSB online bookstore where shipping in the US is FREE.
CLICK HERE to download a free chapter or to order.
Trafalgar Square Books, the leading publisher of equestrian books and DVDs, is a small business based on a farm in rural Vermont.