Carla from Florida sent Eunice Rush and Marry Morrow, authors of the just-released KNOW YOU, KNOW YOUR HORSE, this amazing review of their book—check it out!
“I read…and thoroughly enjoyed every page of your book. I feel so much more savvy after learning about my personality, combined with my three horses. I have already used what I learned, and I am sincerely grateful.
“I would have never imagined that I would be a POWERFUL! I was shocked. I always think of myself as being kind of wimpy. I now understand why Moonie and I had such a rough start. Moonie is a THINKER…thus my broken wrist, ribs and front teeth. LOL! After five years of trial and error…we ‘get’each other…and we know how to work together. I love my old girl and she is bombproof. She is my ‘easy keeper’ and I trust her.

“My little Paint, Hearts, has been a lot of work for me. Now, I know why! Hearts is a TALKER. I have spent countless hours trying to get her to collect and stand still. The girl needs to move. We had our best ride ever today. She may never be the right horse for me…but, as long as she is with me, I will be a better rider and owner. I now ‘get’ her.
“And now, I have Frank Sinatra. I fell in love with this horse at the barn. He is a three-year-old cremello Quarter Horse. His former owner quit paying board. I got Frank by paying the back board. I had neer been on him…but, I had a feeling. I spent a week in the arena with him. He was cooperative, but I could tell he wasn’t crazy about arena work. I would walk him around the ranch just to build our bond. He did whatever I asked…and I taught him to side-pass in 15 minutes. I knew this would be a good horse for me.
“After only two rides on this guy…I can say that I have found my perfect match! POWERFUL/WORKER…go figure! Now that I know what I have…and I understand who I am…working with my horses is so much more enjoyable.
“This morning I had arranged to ride with a friend from work. He had been on horses, but it had been a few years. I rode Hearts, the Talker…and I put my friend on Frank, the Worker. Perfect ride, thanks to your book! We kept their feet moving at a brisk walk and had a great day. Hearts and Frank make a great trail duo and I look forward to getting them out together soon. I would have never been able to manage these differing horses prior to your book.
“Although all three of my horses are pussycats, they all operate differently. A Thinker, a Talker, and a Worker. I feel so empowered by your book. Thank you so very much for sharing your knowledge. Happy Trails to me!
“Your book has changed the way I will communicate with horses for the rest of my life. The fact that I got IMMEDIATE results, means so much to me and the horses. I don’t think I will ever ride in fear again. Amen!”
Are YOU ready to “know” what Carla now knows? KNOW YOU, KNOW YOUR HORSE is available from the TSB online bookstore.