International dressage rider and trainer Betsy Steiner, author of the best-selling book A GYMNASTIC RIDING SYSTEM USING MIND, BODY, AND SPIRIT, won the Premier Sportsmanship Award while competing Joli Burrell’s Fino at the Palm Beach Dressage Derby at White Fences in Wellington, Florida, in early March.
The Premier Sportsmanship Award, sponsored by Premier Equestrian (a leading supplier of dressage arenas, jumps, arena footing, and stable accessories) is awarded to a rider who displays a high level of sportsmanship during competition.
Steiner says the secret to each and every ride is the simple fact that she loves her horses and she loves competing.”I love all the horses I compete, and Fino just happens to be one of the best,” she shared with her trademark warmth.
When first released, Steiner’s book introduced the dressage world to her system of Pilates for equestrians (Equilates) while providing riders with a clear training system that intertwines facets of mind, body, and spirit (of both horse and rider) with the Classical Training Pyramid. Check it out at the TSB bookstore, where shipping in the US is always FREE.