Western States Horse Expo is billed as the largest and most comprehensive equestrian exposition in North America—and it’s right around the corner! West Coast horse lovers and equestrians should be sure to make it to the Cal Expo in Sacramento, California, June 7 thru June 9, 2013. There they’ll find an extraordinary lineup of riding and training talent, and equine experts from every area of horse management and discipline.
TSB is proud to have three bestselling authors featured at the 2013 Western States Horse Expo:

SANDY COLLIER is an internationally recognized reined cow horse judge and clinician, an NRCHA & AQHA World Champion, and she is ranked among the year’s top five reined cow horse all-ages, all-divisions riders, as well as in the top 10 for NRCHA earnings. Sandy was the first and only woman horse trainer to win the prestigious NRCHA (National Reined Cow Horse Association) World Champion Snaffle Bit Futurity. In 2011, she was inducted into The Cowgirl Hall of Fame. Sandy’s book REINING ESSENTIALS is a Western training book like no other, filled with essential lessons for everyday performance, whether in the show pen or working out on the range. Sandy is presenting in the Ram Trucks Freedom Arena all three days—check the Western States Expo website for times.

NANCY LOVING, DVM is a 1985 Colorado State University’s School of Veterinary Medicine graduate and equine athletics expert. Her book ALL HORSE SYSTEMS GO addresses the singularly challenging needs of keeping the working horse in working order. With chapters devoted to cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological, digestive, and reproductive health, as well to the hooves, bones, joints, tendons and ligaments, muscles, and skin, Dr. Loving provides a thorough understanding of the intricacies of the equine body, applying her scientific knowledge to the practical needs of every pleasure, sport, and performance horse owner—whether you simply hack with friends or compete at the highest level. Nancy is presenting in the Horse Expo University all three days—check the Western States Expo website for times.

RENEE TUCKER, DVM is an equine veterinarian certified in chiropractic and acupuncture. She has 18 years’ experience in her fields and says her aim is to empower horse owners with veterinary and chiropractic know-how, so they can help their horse themselves. Dr. Tucker’s bestselling book WHERE DOES MY HORSE HURT? introduces 27 simple body checkups you can do on your horse to help determine when and where your horse hurts, and who to call (vet, farrier, masseuse, saddle fitter, chiropractor?) to help him feel better. Dr. Tucker will be answering questions and signing books in the Book Corral all three days at Western States Horse Expo.
All these titles are available to order from the TSB online bookstore: