RIDING FREE, the new book from Andrea and Markus Eschbach, promises you CAN feel safe and secure when riding your horse without a bit, without a bridle, without a saddle…even without all three!
The Eschbachs have an amazing ability to spell out the steps you need to take to prepare your horse for a life of minimal tack and maximum fun. Their new book is a joy to read and a thrill to try out–they provide both theory and step-by-step exercises that anyone can use.
In fact, RIDING FREE inspired TSB Managing Director Martha Cook to give a bitless bridle a try.

“When I read Riding Free: Bitless, Bridleless, Bareback,” says Martha, “I was intrigued by Dr. Robert Cook’s research on how a bit affects a horse’s breathing and reflexes for chewing and swallowing. The science made a lot of sense to me. I have a Morgan gelding who exhibits any anxiety during schooling or out solo on a trail ride by champing his snaffle bit. The more he champs the bit, the tighter his whole body becomes. The action of champing builds tension, and I feel working the bit becomes the anxiety. It’s difficult to move beyond the tension once this sequence begins.
“I figured, what do I have to lose? I purchased one of Dr. Cook’s Bitless Bridles and gave it a try. So far, so good after a handful of rides both in the arena and on the trail. I find school figures lack accuracy, but I’m sure this will improve as my horse becomes used to aids without the direction of a bit. The best thing is I think my theory of taking the bit out of the equation when riding on the trail is working.”
You can download a sample chapter of RIDING FREE by clicking HERE and finding the DOWNLOAD button on the right side of the page.
Read a review of RIDING FREE on TheSweetFeed.com by clicking HERE.
Order your copy of this exciting new book at the TSB online bookstore, where shipping in the US is always FREE and where you can get 15% off your entire order now through the holidays.