As we wrap another year in the Trafalgar Square Books offices here in Vermont, it feels good to pause and look back at the results of our hard work, as well as ponder the things we learned about horses and horsemanship over the last 12 months.
We take great pride in our authors and in the horse books and DVDs we have published and released over the years—now over 600 titles. Here, at a glance, are the new books and DVDs we added in 2014:
by Vanessa Bee (January)
The Riding Horse Repair Manual
by Doug Payne (March)
by Gabriele Karcher (April)
Centered Riding 2 Paperback Edition
by Sally Swift (April)
by Heather Smith Thomas (April)
by Arthur Kottas-Heldenberg (May)
by Dr. Beth Glosten (June)
Building a Life Together—You and Your Horse
by Magali Delgado and Frederic Pignon (June)
by Anne Gribbons (July)
by Julia Kohl (September)
When Two Spines Align:Dressage Dynamics
by Beth Baumert (September)
by Andrea and Markus Eschbach (October)
Success through Cavaletti-Training DVD
by Ingrid Klimke (November)
5-Minute Fixes to Improve Your Riding DVD
by Wendy Murdoch (November)
by Wendy Murdoch (November)
Beyond Horse Massage Wall Charts
by Jim Masterson (November)
The Art of Liberty Training for Horses
by Jonathan Field (December)
by Eckart Meyners, Hannes Muller, and Kerstin Niemann (December)
Trafalgar Square Books ( is the leading publisher of equestrian books and DVDs. CLICK HERE to visit our online storefront or DOWNLOAD OUR NEWEST CATALOG.
Have a wonderful, safe, joy-filled New Year!
–The TSB Staff, North Pomfret, Vermont