There’s still time to sign up for the New England Dressage Association’s Fall Symposium, featuring Kyra Kyrklund, Saturday and Sunday, November 5 and 6, 2011, at the UMass Hadley Farm in Hadley, Massachusetts. Note: Walk-ins are welcome, but online registration is easy to do at http://www.NEDA.org.
Each year NEDA does their best to bring top riders and trainers to New England, where area dressage enthusiasts can see them at work, up close, ask questions (in person!) and perhaps gain the knowledge and inspiration they need to take their own riding that one step further.
In the same way, Trafalgar Square Books strives to put equestrian teachings to paper, not only to help top trainers and riders travel greater distances on more occasions than would otherwise be possible, but also so those who cannot afford or do not have the time to ride with top trainers on a regular basis can still benefit from the methods and techniques that have brought consistent success. There is nothing like simply reaching for the well worn pages of Centered Riding when you need Sally Swift to remind your body of its position, or That Winning Feeling! when you need Jane Savoie to push you over that mental hurdle and into the show ring, all fears and doubts aside. In print, they are always with you, night or day, whenever you need them.

The Trafalgar Square Books booth will again be featured at the NEDA Symposium, and TSB representatives will have Kyra Kyrklund’s bestselling book DRESSAGE WITH KYRA, as well as her popular TRAINING WITH KYRA DVD series on hand. You’ll find other great new titles available at the TSB booth, as well, including the new book and DVDs from Susanne von Dietze, and the new book from Eckart Meyners (which was recently featured in Practical Horseman–click HERE to see excerpted material).
Don’t miss your chance to see Kyra Kyrklund in person at the NEDA Fall Symposium, and while there, finish up some of your holiday shopping (or get it started!) with great training and riding education and entertainment from the leading publishers of equestrian books–Trafalgar Square Books.
You can find titles by some of dressage’s finest riders and biggest names online at the TSB bookstore, where shipping in the US is always FREE.