Lead Chains Gone Wrong: Pro Groom Tips for Safe, Appropriate Use

In WORLD-CLASS GROOMING FOR HORSES, professional grooms Cat Hill and Emma Ford provide much-needed horsemanship guidance—it’s like having an internationally renowned equine care expert by your side, in the barn, ensuring...

One Author’s Path to Becoming a Compassionate Equestrian: Puppies, Roosters, Appys, and OTTBs

Yesterday TSB officially released THE COMPASSIONATE EQUESTRIAN by renowned veterinarian Dr. Allen Schoen—author of Love, Miracles, and Animal Healing and Kindred Spirits—and horse trainer Susan Gordon. Already the book has been heralded as “ahead of...

Make Daily Rides More Fun and Improve Your Horse’s Response to the Aids with This Simple Exercise

The Four-Leaf Clover Exercise from TRAINING AND RIDING WITH CONES AND POLES.   Incorporating simple traffic cones or ground poles in your daily training and riding lessons not only provides...

Take This Quick Self-Quiz About How You Dress to Ride Your Best

Linda Tellington-Jones in 1995 riding Gershwin, at the time one of British Olympian Carl Hester’s mounts, bridleless. There is a common analogy that compares a horse wearing a tight noseband...

FEI/USEF Dressage Judge Janet Foy Answers YOUR Questions

Background photo by Keron Psillas.   We all grew to love Janet Foy’s straight talk and sense of humor in her first book DRESSAGE FOR THE NOT-SO-PERFECT HORSE, now a bestseller....

Join Dr. Allen Schoen June 6 to Raise Funds for the Catherine Violet Hubbard Animal Sanctuary in Newtown, CT

Catherine Violet Hubbard loved all creatures—she did not discriminate. She told her family that when she grew up, she was going to take care of the animals. She even created...

If Changing the Way You Work with Horses Could Change the World…Would You Do It?

Photo by Keron Psillas.   In their new book THE COMPASSIONATE EQUESTRIAN, world-renowned veterinarian and author Dr. Allen Schoen and long-time trainer and competitor Susan Gordon introduce the 25 Principles of...

“Toning” Your Calves for Better Leg Aids

Varying the “tone” of your calf muscles results in better leg aids. A few of us might picture a buff blonde in a bathing suit when we see the words “toned...

“You Must Not Expect Your Mother to Keep Your Pony Clean”: 5 Tips from Pro Grooms Cat Hill and Emma Ford

Image used by permission (thelwell.org.uk).   Norman Thelwell was right, of course—and I’d say his wisdom is best followed in these first few days after Mother’s Day! Many of us...

The Horselife: Moms Who Made All the Difference

In his book HOW GOOD RIDERS GET GOOD, author Denny Emerson details the success stories of 23 top riders. And it is perhaps no surprise that when asked to name some...

TSB Author and Dressage Rider Yvonne Barteau Celebrated on Huffington Post and iONTHESCENE

“I have long been impressed with Yvonne Barteau,” writes Irene Michaels for the Huff Post. “Being over 50, she has inspired me to keep working hard on my horsemanship and...

Wall Street Journal Features TSB Author and “Horse Detective” Kerry Thomas

As we prepare for the Run for the Roses tomorrow, May 2, 2015, many are considering which horse to choose as the next great-hearted champion of the historic Churchill Downs....