Alizée Froment grew up spending all her days away from school in the family stable that her mother, a professional journalist, ran in the South of France. A former jumper rider, Froment switched to dressage when she was a young rider, and eventually competed successfully internationally at the Grand Prix level, as well as training the French National Dressage Pony Team for five years. Since 2009, Froment has been sharing her philosophy of working with horses in beautiful performances where she demonstrates that even the most technical dressage exercises can be ridden with only a neck rope (no bridle or bit). With several hundred thousand spectators who have seen her perform live all over the world, more than 100,000 followers on Instagram, and almost 50,000 on Facebook, she has become famous for integrating the bitless bridle and the neck rope into her training routine with horses of all ages and levels. She shows it is not only a way to strengthen the relationship with the horse but above all a way to empower him, testing whether dressage training is progressing correctly—slowly needing less and less from the aids while still keeping the connection and understanding with the horse. Froment has been called “The French woman on a mission,” as she is always looking to achieve a better understanding of horses while discovering new things to help them reach their full potential and become the best version of themselves, both mentally and physically.
Trafalgar Square Books is a small business based on a farm in rural Vermont. We publish quality books on horses and equestrian sport, dog health and training, the natural world of New England, and crafting history and techniques.
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