Beverly Harrison had a place in the horse community as a rider and extended her role in 1997 when she began a business in Boulder County, Colorado, called The Tack Collection. She quickly determined she wanted to make a positive difference in how riders choose saddles for the diverse horse population, and so she pursued an education with the Society of Master Saddlers, UK (SMS), who honored her with the title of Qualified SMS Saddle Fitter from the year 2000 to the present. Harrison now specializes in the modification, repair, and customization of saddles for her clients—both human and horse. She offers educational clinics and seminars to all levels of riders and professionals, including at veterinary clinics and universities, and has trained a number of apprentices while continuing her own education through world-class experts in the field. Harrison’s primary passion has been, and is, to spread tried-and-true tack fitting information in a way that helps both horse and rider (
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