For Elsa Sinclair, horse training has been a lifelong pursuit, but her career took a turn when one day a student asked her if horses really enjoyed being ridden, and more importantly, if they knew they had a choice in the matter. Without an answer for her student, Sinclair set off on a quest to find one: If horses were given a choice, would they let us ride them—without force, control, or treats to lure them? With a Mustang mare straight off the range and a desire to connect using none of the usual horse training “tools,” just body language, Sinclair began to explore the possibilities. Her project led to a documentary called Taming Wild and ultimately
to the method of horsemanship she now teaches: Freedom Based Training® (tamingwild.com).
Trafalgar Square Books is a small business based on a farm in rural Vermont. We publish quality books on horses and equestrian sport, dog health and training, the natural world of New England, and crafting history and techniques.
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