Gail Williams PhD has a first class honors degree in animal science and a PhD in equine biomechanics from Bristol Veterinary School. She is a qualified veterinary physiotherapist and works with many top vets, horses and riders in the UK and USA. In the UK she is based in Warwickshire; in the USA she operates from Santa Ynez Valley, California. Her first book, No Foot, No Horse: Foot Balance—The Key to Soundness and Performance, is extremely popular worldwide and has been translated into many languages. Gail lectures around the globe on all aspects of veterinary physiotherapy and rehabilitation, and her scientific research papers have been published in major veterinary journals. She is Head of Education and Training/Senior Consulting Veterinary Physiotherapist for the Association for the Scientific Study of Veterinary and Animal Physiotherapy (ASSVAP). She has written and delivered BSc and MSc degrees for UK Universities, has also successfully supervised many MSc and PhD students, and acts as an external examiner for post-graduate students at many universities.
Alexa McKenna BVM&S received her veterinary degree from the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, and has been illustrating scientific texts and teaching material since 1984. She is currently a small animal general practitioner and continues her education in equine rehabilitation, physiotherapy and veterinary acupuncture. She lives in her home town of Santa Barbara, California.
Trafalgar Square Books is a small business based on a farm in rural Vermont. We publish quality books on horses and equestrian sport, dog health and training, the natural world of New England, and crafting history and techniques.
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