Mary Ann Simonds grew up loving horses and showing in California, then pursued her passion, studying wild horses and equestrian psychology. She developed a professional practice of more than 45 years as a researcher, educator, coach, and consultant. A pioneer in the field of human-animal interactions, Simonds established models for minimizing stress in both humans and horses with a focus to improve sport horse welfare. She lectures internationally, working with veterinarians, professionals, and equine enthusiasts. Simonds has published numerous articles, books, and videos. Selling her farm after 25 years and running the Whole Horse & Equestrian Science Institute for 35 years, she now happily lives in Wellington, Florida, and continues to teach, write, and speak on the subject of equine welfare (maryannsimonds.com).
Trafalgar Square Books is a small business based on a farm in rural Vermont. We publish quality books on horses and equestrian sport, dog health and training, the natural world of New England, and crafting history and techniques.
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