Change your riding in just 5 minutes a day! Wendy Murdoch’s terrific new book 50 5-MINUTE FIXES TO IMPROVE YOUR RIDING keeps your busy life in mind while providing unique, easy-to-do ideas for improving your position and performance in the saddle. What are your bad habits? What does your instructor have to repeatedly remind you to do? Do you hunch your shoulders? Grip with your knees? Do you have piano fingers or do you hang on your horse’s mouth? Maybe you have a hard time sitting the trot or canter? Or perhaps your problem areas don’t have a known cause (poor transitions, trouble collecting, or general resistance from your horse, for example). If this is the case, Wendy’s got ways to pinpoint what’s going wrong and start to make it right.
These quick-fixes are a dream-come-true for most of us who try to balance a career, family, and horses, and those of us who ride

mostly on our own with only periodic lessons. There’s nothing like having a positive way to address an area of frustration to help keep riding fun!
Order 50 5-MINUTE FIXES TO IMPROVE YOUR RIDING from and get 10% off plus free shipping! (Offer good through July 6, 2010.)