Horse trainer and author Sean Patrick is including regular posts about his experience training a young Warmblood named Socrates (or “Socks”) on his Facebook page. It is fantastic to be able to follow along and read about the kinds of real-world challenges that trainers face–and guess what? They are the same challenges WE face when trying to teach our own horses. (What a relief!) The difference is Sean has a toolbox full of techniques and ideas he knows how to implement, and when, in order to help his horses move past conflict and difficulty to a point where they want to work WITH him, NOT for him.
Sean shares his ideas about how you can become a better trainer and a better partner for your horse in his hit book THE MODERN HORSEMAN’S COUNTDOWN TO BROKE. If you haven’t heard about this one, be sure to check it out! It is unlike all the other horse training books out there–this one really spells it out for you and fills in the blanks, empowering YOU to be the best rider and trainer you can be. Order Sean’s book at www.horseandriderbooks.com before July 28 and get 10% off plus FREE SHIPPING!