Renowned eventer, trainer, and coach Denny Emerson’s new book HOW GOOD RIDERS GET GOOD has rocked the horse world since its release early this spring. Now, Denny will appear as a special guest on dressage Olympian Robert Dover’s AM radio and live-stream talk show at

“I am very excited to have one of the most influential horsemen in the last 100 years, Denny Emerson, as my Special Guest!” writes Robert on his blog. “Denny has successfully competed internationally in three-day eventing as a member of the U.S. Equestrian Team, has done endurance riding, competed at the Morgan National Championships,and ridden jumpers, and he now has his new book out, HOW GOOD RIDERS GET GOOD.  This great book has as much to do with bec0ming successful in life as it does specifically with horses and riding.  It tells how 23 of the very best riders in the world ‘GOT GOOD’ and their tips for ‘MAKING IT’ in the horse industry.  Denny is a funny and brilliant guy and I sincerely hope you will all tune in and call in to speak with him at 561-844-6167 or toll-free to 1-800-889-0267.”

So tune in to Dover’s World tomorrow night for your chance to learn more from Denny, and ask him questions of your own! Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to GET GOOD and be on air with two of the most influential riders of the past century.

You can order your copy of HOW GOOD RIDERS GET GOOD at the TSB bookstore, where shipping in the US is always FREE. And don’t miss your chance to win a $100 gift certificate–look for the green banner at the bottom of our homepage or visit our Facebook page for details.