Fit & Focused in 52

The Rider's Weekly Mind-and-Body Training Companion

Daniel Stewart



Coach Daniel Stewart has made a name for himself over the past 25 years, enthusiastically training riders of all levels throughout the world, as well as coaching top athletes on several US Equestrian Teams at World Championships, World Equestrian Games, and the Olympics. He's widely considered one of the world's leading experts on equestrian sport psychology, athletics, and performance, providing tips and quips at hundreds of clinics a year, in his bestselling books, and online through his Pressure Proof Academy.

Now Coach Stewart is combining his popular rider mental conditioning techniques with ideas for physical conditioning, as well. In Fit & Focused in 52, readers get quick-hit recommendations for one exercise for the body, and one for the mind, for every week of the year. The end goal is attaining full-on fitness that ensures improved performance on horseback, whatever your age, ability, or discipline. With 52 weeks of creative cross-training, and loads of ideas for customizing workouts to fit personal goals and lifestyle schedules, riders are sure to find themselves positive, pumped up, and ready to go, from head to toe.  

Additional Information

Author: Daniel Stewart

Format: Hardcover Concealed Spiral

Page Count: 184

Illustrations: 458 color photos & illustrations

ISBN: 9781570768071

By Daniel Stewart

Coach Daniel Stewart has been a successful international trainer and instructor for over 30 years, working with riders in the United States, Spain, Portugal, England, Canada, Mexico, Switzerland, Belgium, United Arab Emirates, Greece, and the West Indies. From 1999 to 2007 he coached riders on several US Equestrian Teams at World Championships, World Equestrian Games, and the Olympics. Coach Stewart teaches riding clinics and seminars to thousands of riders each year and is currently a consultant for USA Equestrian and USA pentathlon. He's a sought-after keynote speaker for many national conventions, and is the equestrian sport psychology expert for the USEA, USPC, USHJA, as well as other equestrian associations. Widely considered one of the world's leading experts on equestrian sport psychology, athletics, and performance, Coach Stewart is the author of three books and produces weekly equestrian sport psychology video tips, rider fitness video classes, and instructor certification videos through his Pressure Proof Academy. He teaches multi-day Equestrian Athlete Camps at some of America's most elite athlete training centers, helping riders prove that they are athletes. When not on the road, he resides in Naples, Florida (

USDF Connection Says:

“Ever wish you had a personal trainer who could
custom-design a fitness and sport psychology plan to improve your performance in the saddle? Now you do.”

Equine Journal Says:

“With plenty of photos and tips, this inspirational guide is like having Daniel Stewart training right there with you.”