Freedom from Fear

Strategies to Increase Confidence for Equestrians

Jane Savoie

$50.00 $197.00


Did you know that what you resist persists? In fact, if you don’t learn to MANAGE your fears, you’ll actually CREATE the very situation that scares you.

  • Does the fear of being out of control or getting dumped give you that rubber-legged “I’m going to puke feeling” that makes it impossible for you to relax and have fun?
  • Have you had an accident or fall, and now you’re terrified to even get back on your horse let alone canter or jump him so you just lunge him or let someone else ride?
  • Do you want to trail ride, jump, or compete, but the thought of your horse bolting, bucking, shying, or rearing keeps you stuck at home in the ring?
  • Does the fear of getting so badly hurt you can’t care for your family or pay your bills keep you awake at night?
  • Are you freaking out because you think you’re ruining your horse and don’t deserve him so you’ve even thought about quitting riding?
  • Are you panicked because you’re getting older and don’t feel as athletic, capable, or invincible as you did when you were a kid, and that thought depresses you?
  • Is the fear of being out of control keeping you from riding young or unfamiliar horses because you just don’t trust them so you turn down a lot of opportunities that come your way?

And sometimes the worst part about fear is you beat yourself up about it because you just don’t know WHY you’re so afraid. Often, nothing bad has even happened to you. Yet, you’re filled with anxiety.

If you’re finally ready to control your fear so it never again stops you from totally relaxing, having fun, and creating a harmonious partnership with your horse, this Freedom From Fear program will help!

Additional Information

Author: Jane Savoie

Format: 3 DVDs, 7 CDs

Page Count:



By Jane Savoie

On January 4, 2021, the equestrian world lost a tenacious competitor, committed teacher, and extraordinarily vibrant presence. Dressage competitor, coach, instructor, speaker, and author Jane Savoie spent five years battling multiple myeloma, a rare type of blood cancer, and as was her nature, never once giving up.

Jane leaves behind a legacy of learning materials she passionately created and curated over the course of a riding and teaching career that spanned decades and continents. Teaching, in all its forms—from coaching Olympic teams to instructing amateur riders to presenting inspiring motivational talks at events—was her calling, and one to which she gave generously, infusing every lesson with boundless energy and exciting ideas. Jane was committed to giving every rider and every experience level equal opportunities to learn, grow, and achieve goals, big and small. She found the best way to reach more individuals with in-depth training that anyone could afford was through books and videos. A prolific writer, Jane’s first instructional book was published in 1992 (That Winning Feeling!) and her last in 2020 (Dressage Between the Jumps) with many others in between. 

Through her books and videos, Jane’s extraordinary knowledge and innovative training techniques remain available to those seeking breakthroughs in their riding and in their lives. In this way, her true passion for teaching and learning lives on.