What are YOU thankful for this Thanksgiving? Are you surrounded by loved ones? Has your horse recovered from a recent injury? Did you have a lot of success in the show ring this year? We at TSB are thankful for YOU–for your desire to learn more about the horses you share your life with, and your willingness to become a better rider, a better trainer, and a better friend to your equine partner. To say “thanks,” we’re offering 15% off ALL TITLES at www.horseandriderbooks.com, plus FREE SHIPPING on all US orders until 12/1/2010.
Here’s a sampling of what some of our top authors say they are thankful for this year:

“As far as being thankful, as a new parent it’s hard to think of anything other than my daughter, Madilyn Nicole.” –SEAN PATRICK, author of THE MODERN HORSEMAN’S COUNTDOWN TO BROKE
“I am thankful for the opportunity to share my knowledge with riders and horses of all disciplines around the world…for the laughter at clinics…and for chocolate.” –WENDY MURDOCH, author of 50 5-MINUTE FIXES TO IMPROVE YOUR RIDING

“I’m thankful for all my fluffy, hairy, four-legged ‘children’ who remind me everyday to try to become the person they think I am.” –JANE SAVOIE author of IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT THE RIBBONS
“I’m thankful to be able to do what I do for a living – inspiring the dreams of horsemen. I have great customers, supportive family and friends, a dedicated staff, outstanding horses, and was able to (and still am!) learning from some of the best horsemen in the world, including my Australian mentors, Gordon McKinlay and Ian Francis.” –CLINTON ANDERSON author of LESSONS WELL LEARNED

“I’m thankful for my wonderful family and the joy and happiness they bring me. I’m also thankful for the wonderful horses and friends who have entered my life… and to riding helmets that hide my grey hair.” –DANIEL STEWART author of RIDE RIGHT WITH DANIEL STEWART
“I’m thankful for good health, the beauty of our natural surroundings this time of the year, the chance to live in a free society, an opportunity to find fulfillment through serving others, and the love of family and friends.” –ANNA JANE WHITE-MULLIN, author of

“I am very thankful for good health, family, Labradors, and having horses in my life!” –LYNN PALM, author of THE RIDER’S GUIDE TO REAL COLLECTION
“I give thanks to Trafalgar Square Books–Caroline Robbins, Martha Cook, and Rebecca Didier–for the outstanding support and encouragement in producing my books over the past 17 years. And each day I count my blessings for my husband, Roland, my family, my friends, and all the wonderful people who are drawn to share the gifts of Tellington TTouch for their animals and for themselves. Believe in miracles and they will happen.” –LINDA TELLINGTON-JONES, author of THE ULTIMATE HORSE BEHAVIOR AND TRAINING BOOK
“I am most thankful for my health and that of my wife, children, and parents. Oh yes, and winter in Phoenix.” RICK LAMB, author of HUMAN TO HORSEMAN

“I’m most thankful for my family and close friends, the many warm relationships we share, and good health. In particular this year, I’m thankful for the safe delivery of Sophie Mckenna Evan on Sept. 26 to my youngest daughter Jamie and her husband, Josh Evan. Sophie is a new ray of sunshine in our midst (and I’ve already got her first horse all picked out for her!)” –BRENDA IMUS, author of THE GAITED HORSE BIBLE
“I’m very thankful for my husband for letting me spend so many hours doing the work I love with New Vocations Racehorse Adoption. I am also very grateful for all the financial supporters of New Vocations. We would not be able to successfully adopt out over 300 retired Thoroughbreds and Standardbreds a year without them.” –ANNA MORGAN FORD, author of BEYOND THE TRACK

“I am thankful for the opportunity to exalt in the Rocky Mountain beauty that surrounds me and for being able to share the wilderness with so many amazing creatures, big and small. It is inspiring to be part of this tapestry of teeming life.” –NANCY LOVING, DVM, author of ALL HORSE SYSTEMS GO