The Gallop
TSB Staff Share Their Best “Horsey Christmas” Ever
“When I was about eight years old, I got leather riding boots for Christmas. I remember putting them on—and my riding hat, too—and marching around my...
A Christmas Wish List Straight from the Horse’s Mouth
Dear Santa, How are you? I hope you had a pleasant summer holiday and Mrs. Claus recovered from last year’s bout of cheer-induced exhaustion. Have you given any thought to...
This Holiday Season Help Horses in Need
It is often part of our holiday tradition of “giving” to fill a basket with food or a stocking with toys for a family or child less fortunate than our...
Need “Winning” Gift Ideas for Horse Lovers? The Horse-Loving TSB Staff Shares Its Recommendations by Discipline
You might not know that Trafalgar Square Books is the number-one publisher of horse books in the United States. Why is that? Well, we have exceptional authors–the top riders and trainers in...
Clinton Anderson, Jane Savoie, and Other TSB Authors Tell Us What They’re Thankful for This Thanksgiving
What are YOU thankful for this Thanksgiving? Are you surrounded by loved ones? Has your horse recovered from a recent injury? Did you have a lot of success in the...
TSB Authors a Big Hit at Equine Affaire in Springfield, MA!
Well, we’re back at our editing desks after four days in Springfield, Massachusetts, where TSB authors Jane Savoie, Betsy Steiner, Daniel Stewart, Denny Emerson, and Brenda Imus inspired and educated thousands of attendees...
TSB is thrilled to have so many of their authors presenting at the 2010 Equine Affaire in Massachusetts. Riders, trainers, and authors Jane Savoie, Betsy Steiner, Denny Emerson, Brenda Imus, and Daniel Stewart will...
Visit the TSB Booth in the Better Living Center at Equine Affaire and Win Great Prizes!
Jane Savoie Stop by the Trafalgar Square Books booth (BLC 843-844) at the 2010 Equine Affaire in Springfield, Massachusetts, November 11 through November 14, and sign up to win great prizes!...
Top Jumper Trainer and TSB Author Elmar Pollmann-Schweckhorst Teaches Clinic in Amherst, NH
“Jump” on a rare opportunity to train with one of Europe’s most influential and respected jumper riders and trainers at Walnut Hollow Farm in Amherst, New Hampshire, November 5, 6,...
Sign Up to Win Great Prizes at TSB’s Booth at the 2010 NEDA Fall Symposium!
TSB ( will have a great selection of its new releases and bestsellers at the 2010 New England Dressage Association Fall Symposium, October 29-31 in Hadley, Massachusetts. Stop by the...
Clinic with Linda Tellington-Jones in Middleburg, Virginia, Offers Participants Insight, Hope, and Valuable Training Tools
The June Tellington Method clinic in Middleburg was blessed with gorgeous weather, allowing riders, handlers, horses, and auditors to enjoy several days of hands-on experience. Linda introduces a dressage horse...
Best-selling TSB author Daniel Stewart (check out his book RIDE RIGHT WITH DANIEL STEWART–the ORIGINAL book on how to get fit in and out of the saddle) is presenting alongside David O’Connor, Julie...